I've noticed that a number of people who arrive at our site, looking to ask questions about their particular situation, choose not to specify what country they're from. Instead, they will give a description of that country, for example saying that it's in Europe but not part of the EU, or that it's in the Caribbean.
When you're talking about immigration, taxes, or the like, one's country of origin can be very relevant, though. My first reaction whenever I see this is to ask them to specify their country of origin, and potentially to vote to close as "unclear" until they clarify.
But the more that I see people do this, doubt begins to form in my mind. I'm confused why anyone chooses on purpose to hide their exact country of origin from a question it's relevant for. (Sometimes people forget to say anything at all, but that's not what I'm asking about here.) Am I missing some good reason for information like this to be left out? Is this a question of privacy?